Monday, 31 March 2014

Thiru Ooragam – Sri Ulagalantha Perumal Temple

Thiru Ooragam – Sri Ulagalantha Perumal Temple

Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This Divyadesam is found in Big Kanchipuram and is closely situated near to Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple.
Sthalapuranam :
Mahabali Chakravarthy, the grandson of Prahaladhan, did a very big yagam (or) homam to get the Devendra logam, which is referred to as "Swargham". But, the lokam belongs to Indiran, who is the King of that lokam. Being a great devotee of Sriman Narayanan, he was capitulated by temptation and deceided to acquire the Devendra Lokam. To make him understand and to punish him, Sriman Narayanan took the Vaamana avathar (dwarf) and asked for 3 feets of his land. On hearing this, Mahabali said that he can take 3 feets of his land. But as a surprise to Mahabali, Sriman Narayanan who came there as Vaamanan (dwarf) grew up in height, and his head touched the sky. Using the first step, he measured the sky and earth and with the second feet or step, he covered the heaven and more tha it. Finally, he asked for the third feet of land. For this, Mahabali surrenders his own head as the third feet and was finally bleassed by Sriman Narayanan.
Ooragathaan When his head was stamped by Emperumaan's feet, he could not get the dharshan of Thirivikraman. So, he prayed for his great Ulagalandha dharshan. Since, he could not be given the Thirivikraman darshan, the Parumal gave his seva as Aadhiseshan (Ooragathaan) which can be seen next to Ulagalandha Perumal.
The moral that is explained by the Perumal is that all the things that are in exisit in this world belongs to Emperumaan, Sriman Narayanan and this is cleary explained throught the Ulagalandhan (Thirivikrama) Perumal.
All the living things (Jeeva raasis) and its Aathmaas belong to the Emperumaan's feet and it is explained through "Thiru Ooragathaan".
Mahabali Chakravarthy comes along the family of Bhaktha Prahaladhan, a great devotee of Sri Vishnu. Inspite of coming through that kind of family, he wanted to rule the Deva lokam, which belongs to Indiran. And at the same time, Devendran - Indiran wanted to rule all over the world. So to teach both of them a lesson, he took the Thirivikrama kolam, thereby reducing the leadrship and over head of Mahabali and on the other hand, by raising his feet and measuring over the sky, he states to Devendran that Deva Lokam also belongs to him.
Sri Ulagalandha Perumal In this Sthalam, Ulagalandha Perumal, Thirivikraman gave his Prathyaksham for Ooragam, who is the Aadhiseshan. Both Aadiseshan and Thirivikraman are the other ways the Emperumaan giving seva in this sthalam.

  • Inside this Sthalam, other 3 divyadesams namely, Neeragam, Karagam and Kaaravannam are found. The Vimanam and Pushkarani are found to be so damaged.

  • In Thai month (mid of January month to mid of febraury month) a very big utsavam is done.

  • Garuda seva is the special Vaaganam of this temple.

  • Doing Thirumanjanam (divine bath to Perumal) for Ooragathaan is said to cure all sorts of problems.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
Sri Ulagalandha Perumal The Moolavar of this sthalam is Thiruvikraman. Other names are Sri Ulagalantha Perumal. Prathyaksham for Aadisheshan.

Moolavar in Ulagai (World) alantha kolam

Thaayar : Amudhavalli (Amirthavalli).

Utsavaar : Sri Loganathan.
  • Naaga Theertham.
  • Sesha Theertham.

Thiru Ooragam Temple - Ooragathaan - Gopuram Saara SriKara Vimanam.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண பரமாத்மாவின் பாதம் தொட்டு பணிவோம்

பச்சை மாமலை போல் மேனி
பவள வாய் கமலச் செங்கன்
அச்சுதா  அமரர் எரேன்
ஆயுதம் கொழுந்தே என்னும்
இச்சுவை தவிர யான் போய்
இந்திர லோக மாலும்
அச்சுவை பெரிதும் வேண்டேன்
அரங்கமாய் நகரு லானேன்.

                                  - தொண்டரடிபொடி ஆழ்வார் 

ஊரிலே காணி இல்லை உறவு மற்றொருவர் இல்லை பாரில் நின் பாதமூலம் பற்றின் பரமமூர்த்தி கரோலி வண்ணனே என் கண்ணனே கதறுகின்றேன் ஆருளர் கலைகள் அம்மா அரண்கமா நகருலானேன் 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Ashtabujam – Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple


Ashtabujam – Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple

Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This sthalam is also found in Kanchipuram (chinna or little kanchipuram) and is situated about 2 Kms from Sri Varadharajar Temple. Lots of bus facilities are available from Big Kanchipuram. It is very close to Sri Yathothakaari Temple.
Sthlapuranam :
The Perumal in this sthalam is Sri Aadhikesava Perumal and he is seen with 8 hands. He holds Chakaram, Sword, a Flower and an Arrow on the 4 right hands and Sangu, Bow, Kedayam (which is used to protect while fighting using a sword) and Gadha (Which can be found along with Hanuman and Bhima).
The sthalapuranam of this temple is also associated with that of Saraswathi and Lord Brahman. After all the demons were killed by Sriman Narayanan, who were sent by Saraswathi to destroy the yagam done by Brahma devan, she finaly sent a ferocious Sarbham (snake). Sriman Narayanan to kill the dangerous snake, took the form of Ashtabhuja Perumal holding 8 different weapons to kill the snake. And using all those 8 weapons, he killed the snake sent by Saraswathi. The snake is found on the Vaayu end of the yaaga sala as "Sarabeswaran" in this temple.
This Perumal gave His prathyaksham (seva) for Gajendran, the elephant.
Kanchipuram - Sri Aadikesava Perumal Temple - Ashtabhujam The Weapons like sword, bow, Gadha etc., found in the hands of the perumal is said to be against the evil and helps for good things. All the eight things (or) Aayudham (weapon) found on the hands of the Perumal is called as "Divya Aayudha Aazhwargal".
When coming across the sculptures found in this sthalam, we can see that this temple was built by Thondaiman Chakravarthy who is popularly named as Vayiramoghan.
  • The Lord here has 8 hands in which he holds 8 different weapons.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
Kanchipuram - Sri Aadikesava Perumal Temple - Ashtabhujam The Moolavar of this Sthalam is Sri Aadikesava Perumal. Other names are Gajendravaradhan, Chakrathaarar.
Moolavar in standing position facing West direction. Prathyaksham for Gajendran, an Elephant. It is believed that only in this sthalam, Gajendra Moksham happened.
Alarmelmangai Thayaar. Other name is Padmasani.
  • Thirumangai Alwar - 10 Paasurams.
  • Pei Alwar - 1 Paasuram.
    Total - 11
Vedantha desikar, Manavala Maamuni also has done mangalasasanam.
  • Gajendra Pushkarani.

Kanchipuram - Sri Aadikesava Perumal Temple - Ashtabhujam
Ganganakkruthi, Sanganakkruthi Vimanam.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Thiru Vekka – Sri Yathothakaari Temple

Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This is one of the sthalam found in Kanchipuram and is about 1 Km away from Sri Varadharajar temple.
Sthlapuranam :
When Thirumizhisai alwar was living in Kanchipuram, a very old lady (Daasi) used to clean his house daily and did this as a small favour for him.
On becoming happy on the favour she is doing daily to him, Alwar changed her from old lady to a beautiful woman. After this, wondering at the beauty, the king married the woman and she became the queen of the place. On hearing the secret of an old lady becoming a beautiful woman, he was in an eager mood to meet Thirumizhisai Alwar.
Kani Kannan, who was great follower of Thirumazhisai Alwar, helped and followed him and his teachings. The king called up Kani Kannan and asked that Thirumizhisai Alwar should come to his palace and should sing a poem on praising him. On hearing this, Kani Kannan said that all the poems and songs that comes from the mouth of Thirumizhisai Alwar belongs to Srivaikundanathan and it is impossible for him to come to the palace and sung a poem on praising the king.
On hearing this, he showed lots of gold ornaments, silver items, Diamonds etc to Kani Kannan and since he being very close to Thirumizhisai Alwar, atleast he could sing a poem on praising him. But, Kani Kannan refused to do so and said he will not sing any song on praising the humans. The King got angry on hearing this and ordered him to get out from Kanchi at once.
Kani Kannan went to Thirumizhisai Alwar and explained all about that had happened in the palace and prepared to start getting out from Kanchipuram. On seeing this, Thirumizhisai Alwar also prepred to start from Kanchi leaving along with Kani Kannan. So, he too started along with him. While they were going, he sung a song on the Yadhothakari Perumal as Kani Kannan is leaving Kanchipuram, he is also going along with him and Alwar asks the Perumal to get up from his Aadhisheshan, which is the bed for him and roll it and wants him to quit from Kanchi.
The Perumal also got out from Kanchipuram following the Alwar and Kani Kannan. On hearing this, the king and all the people of Kanchi, begged Kani Kannan to return back to Kanchipuram.
And after this, Kani Kannan along with Thirumizhisai Alwar came back to Kanchipuram. When returning, Alwar sung a song asking that Kani Kannan has returned back to Kanchi and he want the Perumal to go and sleep in his Aadhiseshan in the temple. On hearing this, Sriman Narayanan comes back to Thiruvekka temple and gives his sayana kols seva. Since the Perumal obeyed the words of Thirumizhisai Alwar and did what he said, he is called as "Sonna Vannam seitha perumal". Sonna vannam seitha means obeying and doing the same what was told to him. This is one of the purana story said about this sthalam.
Once in Brahma logam, there was an arguement that who is greater between Naa Magal (or) Saraswathi and Poo Magal (Sri Lakshmi). Brahma said that it is Poomagal - Lakshmi Thaayar who is found on the heart of Sri Vishnu is the greatest. Next, Saraswathi asked which river is the big river. But, unfortunately Brahma answered that the greatest river is River Ganga which is originating from the feet of Sri Vishnu is the greates. On hearing this, Saraswathi got angry and quit from the disappeared and went along the banks of river Ganga and started doing Tapas.
Yathothakari - Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal Naan mughan, Brahma wanted to do the great Ashwametha Yagam in Kanchipuram and wanted Saraswathi to be along with him. So, he sent his son Vashistan to make Saraswathi come back to him. But, Saraswathi refused to come along with him. After this, Brahma devan started the Yagam keeping Savithri and all of his wives with him.
On seeing this, the Asuraas (the Demon) wanted to destroy the Yagam and went to Saraswathi and made her angry by telling her what is happening. She got angry on Brahma devan and started as "Vegavathi" river along the south direction and flow across the place of the Yagam to destroy it . But, Sriman Narayanan wanted to stop Vegavadhi river and protect the Yagam from her. So, he stoped the river by lying across the river on Aadhiseshan. Because of this, this perumal is also named as "Vaga Sethu".
This Vega Sethu then became Vegavanai and then finally named as "Vekkanai" and finally became "Vekka".
In this sthalam only, Manavala Maamunigal expalined his "Sri Bashyam" to the world.
  • In the Pushkarani of this temple only, Poigai Alwar was born.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
Sri Yathothakaari The Moolavar of this sthalam is Sri Yathothakaari. Other names are Sonnavannam seitha Perumal and Vegasethu. Moolavar is Kidantha Kolam (Bhujanga Sayanam), facing in West direction.
Prathyaksham for Brahma Devan, Poigai, Bootham Alwar, Kanikannan.
This perumal is found in Sleeping posture from right side to left. This is also one of the speciality of this Shetram.

  Thiru Vekka – Sri Yathothakaari Temple

Thaayar : Komalavalli Nachiyaar.
Made with the combination of precious metal in which gold has a major part.
Pilla logacharyar.
  • Thirumazhisai Alwar - 3 Pasuram
  • Thirumangai Alwar - 6 Pasuram
  • Poigai Alwar - 4 Pasuram
  • Nammalwar - 1 Pasuram
    Total - 14

Sri Yathothakaari Temple - Gopuram
Vedasara Vimanam.

Kanchipuram – Sri Varadharajar Temple

Kanchipuram – Sri Varadharajar Temple

Temple Location :
About the Temple:
Kanchipuram is said to be one of the major city in in South India, where lots of Saivam and Vaishnavam temples are found. It is about 75 Kms away from Chennai. Lots of bus and lodging facilities are avilable.
Sthalapuranam :
Sri Varadharajar Temple - KanchipuramLord Brahma devan wanted to get the dharshan of Sriman Narayanan in Chathur Bhujam (with four hands) and becasue of this, he did a tapas towards him. First the Perumal gave his seva in the form of Theertham, Which is now called as "Pushkaram". Next he gave the seva in the form of Forest, which in now called as "Naimisaranyam". But still, Lord Brahma was not satisfied. At that time, he heard an Asarari (an unknown voice from heaven) which said that to get the dharshan of Sri Varadharajar, he must do the great Ashwametha yagam (Sathya viradam) for hundred times. But, Lord Brahma felt so depressed that doesnt have time nor the patience to perform 100 Ashwametha yagam. Finally as per Sriman Narayanan, he performed one Ashwametha yagam which is equivalent to 100 Ashwametha yagam. It is said that doing one Ashwametha yagam in Kanchipuram is equivalent to 100 times of doing Ashwametha yagam somewhere else.
Brahma devan started the yagam and from the fire of the yagam, Sri Varadharajar came out and gave his dharshan in which way Lord Brahma wanted.
"Ka" - means Brahma and "Anjitham" - means who was worshipped. Since, Brahma worshipped Emperumaan as Varadharajar, this sthalam is called "Kanchi". The temple is situated in Vishnu Kanchi which is also Known as "Chinna (or) Little Kanchipuram" and in the Big (or) Shiva Kanchipuram, all Shiva temples are found.
Sri Varadharajar Temple - Kanchipuram Ayodhya's King Sakaranis, son Asamanjan and his wife as a result of Sabham, they were changed to Lizards and as a result of worshipping Kanchi Varadharajar as said by Ubamanyu, they two got their original positions. Both these two lizards can be seen in this sthalam in a small sannadhi. It is said on touching this lizards, all kinds of problems and diseases are cured. Still now all the bhaktas come to this temple and worship this lizards to get their problems cured.
It is said that the Narasimhar Sannadhi is first sannadhi to be built.
The theertham of this sthalam is "Sesha theertham" and is found along the north side of Nootrukkal Mandapam (100 pillared Mandapam). All along this theertham, Aadhiseshan did tapas.
When Udayavar Ramanujar lived in Kanchipuram, he worshipped and did Thirumanjanam (the divine bath for the Perumal) and for this, he used to get the water from the well which is 2 miles aawy. He was awarded with the name as "Ethiraja Maamuni" by Sri Varadharaja Perumal itself, when he became the Saint.
When talking about Udayavar Ramanujar, his student and followers Koorathalwar's Guru bakthi (respecting and doing the needful for his teacher (or)Guru) has to be explained.
Sri Varadharajar - Utsavar Once in the Chozha empire, Nallooran, who was one of the member in that empire, was against Vaishnavam and because of this, ordered to pluck off Sri Ramanujar's eyes. But, Koorathalwar for his Guru, asked that his eyes can be taken off and not his Guru's eyes. Then he sung a great devotional poem named "Sri Varadharaja Sthavam" on Sri Kanchi Varadharajar in his sannadhi. At that time, Sri Varadharajar gave his seva and asked him what he wants. But, Koorathalwan said that he doesnt need Oonakkan (Ordinary human eyes) instead, he need the Gnanakkan (Eyes which has a broader vision of good thought) so that he can be able to spread Vaishnavam. This is one of the said story when talking about the sthalapuranam.
When talking about Kanchi Varadhar, the Garuda seva which is one of the special vaghanam during Brahmotsavam in vaikasi month.
Sri Perundevi Thaayar - Sri Varadharajar Temple - Kanchipuram Bhaktas can enter the temple through Punniyakoti Vimaanam, which is 200 height x 800 width and fully surrounded by huge walls. After entering we can find Nootrukkal mandapam (Mandapam with 100 pillars) which has extra ordinary scultures on each pillars and a chain made up of stone can be seen. Behind this mandapam, we can find the Pushkarani.
Azhagiya singar - Narasimhar is found along with Arithra Devi Thaayar and his Sannadhis Vimaanam is (cave) Gugha Vimanam.
Specials: Sri Varadharajar Temple - Kanchipuram
  • Birth place of Vedantha Desikar.

  • Atthi Varadhar - Once in every 40 years he is taken out from the pond and grand poojas are done during that period.

  • Garuda Seva, which is a grand utsavam (festival) done in Vaikasi month is said to be the most and special Festival here.
Moolavar and Thaayar:

Sri Varadharajar Temple - Kanchipuram The Moolavar of this this sthalam is Sri Varadharajar. Other names of the Perumal are Perarulalan, Devathirajan, DevaPerumal. Moolavar in Standing position facing his thirumugham towards West direction. Prathyaksham for Brighu Muni, Naaradhar, Aadhisesan, Brahman, Gajendran.

Thaayar :
The Thaayar of this this sthalam is Perundevi Thaayar.
  1. Garudan.
  2. Kugai Narasimar.
  3. Yoga Narsimar and Chakkarathaalwar in a single sannadhi.
  4. Perundevi Thaayar.
  5. Sri Ranganaathar.
  6. Sri Ramar.
  7. Ananthaalwan.
  8. Thanvanthri.
  9. Sri Krishnar.
  10. Sri Andal.
  • Thirumangai Alwar - 4 Paasurams
  • Bhoodhathalwar- 2 Paasurams
  • Pei Alwar - 1 Paasuram
    Total - 7 Paasurams
Aalavanthaar, Thirukachinambi, Udayavaar, Koorathazhvaan, Vedantha Desikar, Manavala Maamuni also did Mangalasasanam.
Sri Varadharajar Temple - Kanchipuram
  • Vegavadhi Nadhi.
  • Anantha Saras.
  • Sesha, Varaga, Padma, Agni, Kusala, Brahma Theertham.
Punyakoti Vimanam

sholingur sri yoga narasimha swamy temple

sholingur sri yoga narasimha swamy temple

About the Temple:
This sthalam is also named as "Kadigachalam". If we travel from Chennai, we have to first travel to Arakkonam. From their, by travelling about 25 Kms , we can reach this Sholingar. Lots of bus facilities are available from Arakkonam and lots of passenger trains stops at Sholingar station.
The Malai Adi Vaaram (Bottom of the Mountain) of this temple is called "Konda Palayam". Konda means Hill and Palayam means a town.
  • Both in Periya and Chinna malai, the Perumal - Sri Yoga Narasimhar and Sri Yoga Anjaneyar are found in Yoga Stage.

  • The Small Mountain (Chinna Malai) is about 200 feet where lord Anjaneya is found in sitting position found along with Sangu and Chakkaram in west facing direction. Here, Sriman Narayanan in the form of Sri Narasimhar gave His dharshan to Anjaneyar. Aanjaneyar is considered to be the resemblence (or) Avathaar of Shiva, but here He is resembling the avathar of Sri Vishnu.

  • It is said all evil activities are cured if we take bath in the theertham of this sthalam and by worshipping Yoga Narasimhar and Yoga Anjaneyar.

Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Big Mountain (Periyamalai) is about 400 feet high where Moolavar - Sri Yoga Narasimar is found in Irundha (sitting) kolam facing his thirumugham towards East direction. The other names of the Perumal are "Thakaan" and "Akkarakani". Akkaram means Money and Wealth. This sthalam is also called as "Kadikachlam".
Thaayar Sri Yoga Anjaneyar
The Thaayar of the Sthalam is Sri Amirtha Valli and she is found in a separate sannadhi.
Utsavar :
Sri Yoga Anjaneyar Sri Bhaktavatsala Perumal (Thakkan), Periyapiratiyar and Bhoomi piratiyar are found in Bhoga stage (Dhyanam stage) in the temple in Malai Adivaaram (foot hill). There are separate sannadhis for Andal, Alwars, Garuda Vagana Varadharaja Perumal, Erumbiyapa and Thottacharyaar. Both the God's in Periyamala and Chinnamala, Narasimar and Aajaneyar are in Santha Nilais (Yoga Stage).
All Utsavams are conducted to Sri Bhakthavatsalar of the temple at the foot-hill temple. Special Poojas for Thayaar on every friday are done. In Kaarthigai month and in sundays, special poojas for Aajaneyar is done.
There are Four Pushkaranies.
  • Amirtha Theertham (Thakkan Kulam).
  • Narasimma Theertham.
  • Hanumantha Theertham.
  • Brahma Theertham.
Simha Koshtakkruthi (Simhagra) Vimaanam. When entered through the entrance and going round it, we can see the thaayar sannadhi and after it, we can get dharshan of Sri Yoga Narasimhar. Yoga Aanjaneyar's temple is also found on the top of the chinna malai. If we see the direction in which the Yoga Aanjaneyar is facing, we can see the Yoga Narasimhar's temple.
Sculptures and some historical news:
  • This sthalam is also called as "Chola Lingapuram" since a chola king found a siva lingam and built a temple for it. Later, the shtalam is called as Cholasingapuram" and now as "Sholingapuram".

    Thiru Kadigaimalai - Gopuram
  • Karikaala Cholan, when separating his Rajjyam (entire empire) into small districts, he named this place as "Kadigai Kottam". In this sthalam, pallava kings started numerous studying institutions and sculpturing centres.

  • The steps from the foot hill to the mountain temple was constructed by Rajayya.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Thiru Kadalmalai - Sri Sthala Sayana Perumal Temple


This sthalam, Thirukadalmallai is also called as "Mahabalipuram" and "Mamallapuram". It is situated in Tamil Nadu. 40 Kms away from Chennai and 7 miles from Thiruvidanthai.
Mahabalipuram is famous for its stone carved statues and sea shore. The speciality of the statues are shown to the world by all Pallava kings and the stone carved statues tell how their thinking is.
  • The Krishna Mandapam where we can find a 8 feet Krishnar and the Gopalan (Krishnan) getting the milk from cow.

  • Statue which explains the tapas done by Arjunan.

  • Two big rocks in which full of shapes of Cat to Elephant, Devas, Munivas, Lord Shiva giving Pasupa Astharam, and cat in the Kolam of doing tapas and rats around it. These are the shapes which are beautifully seen in these two big rocks.

  • Panja Pandavar Mandapam, Govardhana Mandapam, Panja Pandavas Ratham (Chariot) and all done in one rock and lots more can be seen.
  • This is the Avathara Sthalam of Bhoodathalwar. This Sthalam is full of Artistic work temple it is also called as "Artha Sethu".

  • This place is governed by Mahabali. According to (Varam) got by Mahabali by Lord Vaamanar, the place is called as " Mahabali Puram" - This is one of the old story said about this sthalam.

  • Chitra Kara Puli - Mahendravarman's Son Narasima Varma Pallavan was populary named as "Mamallan". Lots of the monumental and artistic works that are found are done by him and becasue of this, the place is called as "Mamallapuram".

Sthala Sayana Perumal
The Perumal found in this sthalam is Sri Sthala Sayana Perumal. He is found in Kidantha kolam in bhujanga sayanam (sleeping) and facing his thirumugham towards East direction along the sea.
On the right hand side on his heart, Gnana Upadesh known as "Gnana Tamiz Purintha Naan" is found.
The Moolavar is Thiru Vada Enthai Varaaga Moorthy on west part of Kalangarai Vilakkam (light house) near the Cave Temple.
Utsavar - Sthala Sayana Perumal (Ula Kuyya Nindraan)
The Thaayar of this sthalam is Sri Nila Mangai Thayaar. She is found in a seperate sannadhi.
  • Thirumangai Alwar - 26 Pasuram
  • Botham Alwar - 1 Pasuram
    Total - 27
There are Two Pushkaranies.
  • Pundareega Pushkarani.
  • Garuda Nadhi.
Thaganakruthi (Aanantha Vimanam)

Saturday, 22 March 2014

மதுரை ஸ்ரீ கள்ளழகர்

கோபுரம் கண்டால் கோடி புண்ணியம்

மதுரை ஸ்ரீ கள்ளழகர் குதிரையில் ஆற்றில் இறங்கும் போது எடுத்த காட்சி

OM NAMO NARAYANAYA (ஓம் நமோ நாராயணாய ...)

ஓம் நமோ நாராயணாய ...

நமோ நமோ  நாராயணா  ஓம் நமோ நாராயணா

ஹரே ராம ஹரே ராம ராம ராம ஹர ஹரே ஹரே கிருஷ்ண ஹரே கிருஷ்ண கிருஷ்ண கிருஷ்ண ஹரே ஹரே

ஹரே ராம ஹரே ராம ராம ராம ஹர ஹரே
ஹரே கிருஷ்ண ஹரே கிருஷ்ண கிருஷ்ண  கிருஷ்ண ஹரே ஹரே

ஸ்ரீ ரங்கநாதா..

Ganga Sangaacha Kaaveri.. Sri Rangesha Manohari..
Kalyana Kaari Kalushaari.. Namastheasthu Subhaachari..
Sriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Seiyadi
Sridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Santhatham Solladi
Sriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Seiyadi
Sridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Santhatham Solladi
Inbam Pongum Then Gangai Neeraadi
Manjal Kungumam Mangai Nee Soodi
Inbam Pongum Then Gangai Neeraadi
Thenral Poala Nee Aadadi
Manjal Kungumam Mangai Nee Soodi
Dheiva Paasuram Paadadi..
Sriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Seiyadi
Sridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Santhatham Solladi..
Kollidam Neer Meethu Narthanam Aadum
Melliya Poongaatru Manthiram Paadum
Sengani Maelaadum Maamaram Yaavum
Ranganin Paersølli Šaamaram Veesum
Annaalil Chøazha Mannargal Aakki Vaitha Nar Aalayam
Ammaadi Ènna Šølluvaen Køavil Gøapuram Aayiram
Thaenaaga Nenjai Allumae Dheyva Pøønthamizh Paayiram
Šriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Šeiyadi
Šridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Šanthatham Šølladi..
Inbam Pøngum Then Gangai Neeraadi
Thenral Pøala Nee Aadadi
Manjal Kungumam Mangai Nee Šøødi
Dheiva Paasuram Paadadi..
Šriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Šeiyadi
Šridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Šanthatham Šølladi..
Kannadam Thaai Veedu Ènrirunthaalum
Kanni Un Maruveedu Thennagamaagum
Gangaiyin Maelaana Kaaviri Theertham
Mangala Neeraada Munvinai Theerkkum
Neervannam Èngum Maevida Nanjai Punjaigal Paaradi
Oørvannam Ènna Køøruvaen Dhaeva Løagamae Thaanadi
Vaerengu Šendra Pøthilum Intha Inbangal Aethadi..
Šriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Šeiyadi
Šridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Šanthatham Šølladi..
Inbam Pøngum Then Gangai Neeraadi
Thenral Pøala Nee Aadadi
Manjal Kungumam Mangai Nee Šøødi
Dheiva Paasuram Paadadi..
Šriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Šeiyadi
Šriranga Ranga Naathanin Paatham Vanthanam Šeiyadi
Šridevi Ranga Naayagi Naamam Šanthatham Šølladi..

Friday, 21 March 2014

பிறந்தார் வடமதுரை என் ஐயன் போய் வளர்ந்தார் ஆயர்பாடி
அறம் தான் மிகப் பெருக காயாம்பு மேனி யசோதயிடம் பால் குடித்து
நந்த கோபன் தன்னிடத்தில் ஆதி மகா மூலம் சொந்த மகனாய் இருந்து
வந்த வினைகள் எல்லாம் மயாவதாரன் அந்தரத்தில் போகவிட்டு

Thondai Nadu Divyadesams

Introduction to Thondai Naattu Thiruppathigal

In Thondai Nadu, there are 22 Divyadesams found and out of it 14 Divyadesams are found in Kanchipuram, which is the capital of Pallava Empire.
Out of these 14 Divyadesams in Kanchipuram, Thirukkalvanoor Divyadesam is found inside Kanchi Kamakshi Amman temple and Thirunilathingal thundan is found inside Kanchi Ekambareswarar temple. These two temples are said to "Saivism temple". By giving the seva in these temples, the Perumal Sriman Narayanan explains the unity of Saivam and Vaishnavam.
Outside Kanchipuram is Thirupputkuzhi Divyadesam is found and near Chennai, Thiruvellikkeni and Thiruneermalai Divyadesams are found. Near Mahabalipuram, Thirukkadal Mallai and Thiruidavendhai Divyadesam are found.
Near Arakkonam, Thirukkadigai (Sholingar) and Thirunindraoor Divyadesam are found. Close to Arakkonam, Thiruevvul (Thiruvalloor) Divyadesam is situated.

Thiruvendanthai – Sri Nithya Kalyana Perumal Temple

அருள்மிகு நித்யகல்யாணப்பெருமாள் திருக்கோயில்


மூலவர்:நித்யகல்யாணப்பெருமாள், லட்சுமிவராகப்பெருமாள்
  அம்மன்/தாயார்: கோமளவல்லித்தாயார்
  தல விருட்சம்: புன்னை, ஆனை
  தீர்த்தம்:வராஹ தீர்த்தம், கல்யாண தீர்த்தம்
  ஆகமம்/பூஜை :வைகானஸம்
  பழமை:1000-2000 வருடங்களுக்கு முன்
  புராண பெயர்:வராகபுரி, திருவிடவெந்தை
  மாவட்டம்: காஞ்சிபுரம்
  மாநிலம்: தமிழ்நாடு



திவளும் வெண்மதி போல் திருமகத் தரிவை செழுங்க டலமுதினிற் பிறந்த அவளும், நின்னாகத் திருப்பது மறிந்தும் ஆகிலு மாசை விடாளால் குவளையங் கண்ணி கொல்லியம் பாவை சொல்லு நின்தாள் நயந்திருந்த இவளை உன் மணத்தா லென் நினைந்திருந்தாய் இடவெந்தை யெந்தை பிரானே.

வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி
 தல சிறப்பு:
பெருமாளின் மங்களாசாசனம் பெற்ற 108 திவ்ய தேசங்களில் இது 63 வது திவ்ய தேசம். இத்தலத்து பெருமாளுக்குத்தான் ஆண்டின் 365 நாளும் திருக்கல்யாண உற்சவம் நடத்தப்படுகிறது. திருமணத்தடை உள்ள பெண்கள் இங்குள்ள தாயாரை வழிபட்டு பலன் பெறலாம். 

Sri Neervannaperumal Temple

Sri Neervannaperumal Temple, Thiruneermalai is one among the 108 Divyadesams found in Chennai near Tambaram (Thondai Nadu).
In this Sthalam, the Perumal is found is various positions as Nindraan, Irunthaan, Kidanthaan and Nadanthaan Thirukkolam.
This Sthalam is situated in Tamil Nadu, Chengulpet District. We can reach the temple by travelling around 4 Kms from Pallavaram Railway Station, which is about 7 Kms from Chennai.
Thiruneermalai This Thiruneermalai Kshetram is also called as "Thoyagiri Kshetram" and also as "Thothadri". Thoya means "Water" and Adhiri means "Mountain" (malai). Since the mountain is surrounded by water, this sthalam is named as "Thiru Neermalai".
  • The Perumal shows his 4 sevas in this temple (ie) - Nindra, Iruntha, Kidantha and Nadantha Thirukkolmas.

  • It is said that once Thirumangai Alwar came here to get the Dharshan of the Perumal. At that time, the mountain was fully surrounded by water and he waited for six months to worship the Perumal. After all the water drained, he went up the mountain and worshipped the Perumal. The place where Thirumangai Alwar stayed is called as "Thiru Mangai Alwarpuram".
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Perumal gives his seva in four different positions.
  • Sri Neervannar - Nindra Thirukkolam.
  • Lord Narasimhar - Irundha Thirukkolam.
  • Lord Ranganathar - Kidantha Thirukkolam.
  • Lord Thiruvikraman - Nadantha Thirukkolam.
Neervannar The Neervannar is found in Nindra (standing) thirukkolam facing his Thirumugham towards East direction. He is also named as Neelamugil Vannan. Prathyaksham (seva) for Thondaimaan, Brighu Munivar and Maarkandeyar.
Lord Ranganathar is found in Kidantha (lying) position facing his thirumugham towards South direction and the Sayana kolam is referred to as "Manicka Sayanam". He is lying on the Aadhiseshan under Ranga Vimaanam.
The Thayaar of this sthalam is Sri Animaa Malar Mangai and found in a separate Sannadhi.
According to Thirumangai Alwar, Thiruneer Malai is referred to:
ThirunaraiyoorNindra Thirukkolam
ThiruvaaliNarasiman (Irundha Thirukkolam)
ThirukudanthaiAarai Amuthai (Kidantha Thirukkolam)
ThirukoviloorUlagalanthaan (ThiruVikrama kolam)
Thus, in Thiruneermalai Divyadesam, we can see all the four forms of the Perumal together.
In this temple, Muni Valmiki worshipped Eari Kidantha (Aranganathan), Iruntha (Narasimar), Nadantha (Thiruvikraman) Kola seva of the Perumal. After worshipping all the 3 sevas, he came down from the mountain to worship Lord Rama. Knowing this Lord Vishnu gave darshan as Sri Ramar and Lakshmi Piratti as Seetha and Aadisesha as Lakshman and Sangu and Chakram as Baratha chatrukanan. Lord Vigneshwar as Sugreev and Garudan as Hanuman.
  • Thirumangai Alwar - 19 Paasurams
  • Bhudathalwar - 1 Paasuram
    Total - 20
  • Kshri includes Karunya, Sidha and Swarna Pushkarani.
  • Kshri Pushkarani for Kidantha Perumal.
  • Karunya Pushkarani for Nindra Perumal.
  • Sittha Pushkarani for Ulagalantha Perumal.
  • Swarna Pushkarani for Veetruntha Paramapatha Emperuman.
The Pushkarani is found along with the Neerazhi Mandapam.
In Kulakarai, Vasantha Mandapam is found.
  • Ranga Vimaanam - Sri Ranganathar.
  • Santha Vimaanam - Lord Narasimhar.
  • Thoyagiri Vimaanam - Ulagalantha Perumal.

Triplicane partha sarathy temple.

It is a one temple of 108divya desem.The temple was originally built by the Pallavas in the 8th century, subsequently expanded by Cholas and later by the Vijayanagara kings in the 15th century.[3][11] The temple has several inscriptions dating from the 8th century in Tamil and Telugu[3] presumably from the period of Dantivarman, who was a Vishnu devotee.[12] Thirumangai Alvar, the 9th century alvar also attributes the building of temple to the Pallava king.[12] From the internal references of the temple, it appears that the temple was restored during 1564 CE when new shrines were built.[13] In later years, endowments of villages and gardens have enriched the temple.[13] The temple also has inscriptions about the Pallava king, Nandivarman of the 8th Century.[14]
The temple was extensively built during the Chola period and a lot of inscriptions dating back to the same period are found here. The outer most mandapam is replete with sculptures of various forms of Vishnu, especially the avatars. One can also see inscriptions of Dantivarma Pallava of 8th Century, Chola, Pandiya and Vijayanagara in the temple. The first architectural expansion of the temple took place during the reign of the Pallavas (Tondaiyar Kon) as vividly described by Tirumangai Azhwar. Reminiscent of this is the inscription of the Pallava King Dantivarman (796-847 A.D.), which is preserved in the temple. The temple witnessed a major expansion during the rule of the Vijayanagar kings like Sadasiva Raya, Sriranga Raya and Venkatapati Raya II (16th Century). Many subshrines and pillared pavilions (mandapas) like the Tiruvaimozhi Mandapa were added.
Tiruvallikeni may not be as serene as Tirumangai Azhwar described it, but the aura remains because of the Parthasarathy Swamy temple.
A Pallava king built the present temple in the eighth century. The gopuram was also built by a Pallava king - Tondaiman Chakravarthy. There are inscriptions that record the contributions of the Chola kings Raja Raja and Kulottunga III, Pandya King Maravarman and many rulers of the Vijayanagar dynasty including Ramaraja Venkatapathiraja and Vira Venkatapathy. For a while the East India company administered the temple. The pushkarani is called Kairavani and five sacred teerthams are believed to surround the tank - Indra, Soma, Agni, Meena and Vishnu. Seven rishis - Bhrigu, Atri, Marichi, Markandeya, Sumati, Saptaroma and Jabali - performed penance here. All five deities in the temple have been extolled by Tirumangai Azhvar.[15][16][17]
Tiruvallikeni is noted for its colourful festivals throughout the year. The recitation of the 4000 hymns of the Azhwars is a great tradition preserved in this temple for generations.[18][19]

The Temple

Western entrance of the temple
The temple has two gopurams (tower) each in eastern and western directions.[10] The temple has five vimanams namely Anatha Nilaya Vimanam over Parthasarathy shrine, Ranganathar Sannathy vimanam, Ramar sannathy vimanam, Narasimha sannidhi vimanam and Andal Sannithi vimanam.[10] The temple tank called "Thiruallikeni" is derived from the place where Vishnu's consort Lakshmi herself was born as Vedavalli to Sage Bhrigu. The tank contains five wells and lies opposite to the eastern entrance of the temple.[10]
The temple has two main shrines built back-to-back. The Mulavar (main deity), Parthasarathy alias Venkata Krishnan, faces East. Along with his consort Rukmani Piratiyar, he holds sword in one hand (this is debatable since the official site says he holds conch in his right hand, as he had promised not to take up arms in mahabharat war), Varadha Muthirai on the other hand. Krishna's brother Balarama is positioned on his right, Satyaki to his left; Krishna's son Pradyumna and grandson Aniruddha are also found in the sanctum.[10] This is one of the Vishnu temples where the Vishnu is present along with his three generations. The shrine of the consort, Vedavalli Thayaar, is located parallel to the sanctum. The shrine of Narasimha (Thellia Singhar) faces west and just as the main sanctum, there is a separate entrance and flag post (Dwajasthambam) for Narasimha. The deity is seated in Veetrirundha Yoga thirukola (Sitting Posture).[10]
There is a shrine for Ranganatha (Sri Mannanathar) and Ramar located in the passage to the main sanctum.[13] Ranganatha is in Bujanga Sayanam, reclining posture facing east.[10] There is a shrine of Gajendra Varadar[13] There is a shrine for Rama (an avatar of Vishnu), known here as Chakravarthi Thirumagan.[13] He is seen here with his entire family, i.e., consort Sita Piratti, brothers Lakshmana, Bharatha, Shathrugna and devotee Hanuman opposite to the shrine of Ramar.[20]
It is one of the very few shrines in the country dedicated to Krishna as Parthasarathy, charioteer of Arjuna and to contains idols of three avatars of Vishnu: Narasimha, Rama, and Krishna.[5] Because of the association of the temple with Krishna, Tiruvallikeni came to be regarded as the Southern Brindavana.[14][21][22]


Eastern "Thorana" entrance on the Beach Road
Triplicane owes its name to its historic existence as Tiruvallikeni (or Thiruvallikeni) or Tiru-Alli-Keni (Sacred Lily Pond, in Tamil) denoting the pond in front of the temple, amidst a big Tulasi forest. The place was also referred to as Vrundha-raNyam (beautiful garden) in Puranic scriptures.[23][24]
Krishna was the charioteer for the Pandava prince Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War war in the epic Mahabaratha. Kunti (also called Pritha), Arjuna's mother was the aunt of Krishna and the sister of Krishna's father, Vasudeva. Krishna addressed Arjuna as Partha, the son of Pritha. Krishna was thus referred as Partha Sarthy, meaning the charioteer of Arjuna.[25] The Bhagavat Gita is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna taking place in the middle of the battlefield before the start of the war with armies on both sides ready to battle. Responding to Arjuna's confusion and moral dilemma about fighting his own cousins who command a tyranny imposed on a disputed empire, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and prince, and elaborates on yoga, Samkhya, reincarnation, moksha, karma yoga and jnana yoga among other topics.[26]
Krishna was neutral during the war, giving his army to Kauravas and offered himself for the Pandavas. Parthasarathy in the temple is thus depicted with a moustache and having only the conch, without his weapon Chakra. This is attributed to the promise he made to the Kauravas not to take weapons during the war. Following the traditions of a charioteer, he sported the moustache and the same is depicted in the temple. The scars in the face of Parthasarathy's festival idol (presumably made of aimpon, an alloy of five metals) in the temple is full of scars depicted to show the injuries caused by the arrows of Bhishma in the war.[13][25] The utsavar (festival deity) also has only a stick depicting Krishna was born in a cowherd clan.
Venkateswara, another form of Vishnu, appeared as Parthasarathy to fulfil his promise to King Sumathi that he would give darshan to the king in this form. Sage Athreya had installed the idol of Parthasarathy. Legend has it that the parents of the Sri Vaishnava saint, Ramanuja came to the temple and prayed to the Lord for a son and eventually the saint was born. It is also believed that the Ramanuja is none other than Parthasarathy himself who was born to revive Vishishtadvaita.
Vedavalli Thayar is said to be born to Sage Bhrigu as a result of his penance in the banks of Kairaveni in a lily pond (Alli keni). The legend says, that so many kings attempted to marry Thayar, but she chose Ranganatha in the midst of many kings and called the lord vaarum en manare, means "Welcome, my lord of this universe". The celestial wedding took place between Vedavalli Thayar and Sri Mannanathar on 12th Day (Dwadashi) during the month of Thai - Masi. The wedding is celebrated every year. Vaikasi Festival is exclusively held of the presiding deity Gajendra Varadhar. It is said that Rama appeared here on the request by Sage Madhuman in Thirvallikeni. A grand festival of Rama Navami is celebrated here for 9 days in the Tamil month of Panguni.

Literary mention

The temple is glorified in the Divya Prabandha, the early medieval Tamil literature canon of the Alvar saints from the 6th–9th centuries CE and is classified as among the 108 Divya Desam temples, dedicated to Vishnu.[3] Among the 12 Alvars, three of them namely Peyalwar, Thirumazhisai alwar and Thirumangaialwar have sung on the different forms of God in this temple. Many acharyas have also written songs on the various deities in this temple.
Thirumangai Alvar wrote of Tiruvallikeni as an area so densely wooded that the sun's rays cannot penetrate the canopy formed by the tree tops. He also said Tiruvallikeni was a home for beautiful birds like peacocks and Koels. However, Triplicane is changed over time and these features of the city are lost.[15][27] He also mentioned about the Telliya Singar shrine within the temple.[12]

Darshan, Sevas and Festivals

The temple is administered by the Hindu Religious and Endowment Board of the Government of Tamil Nadu.[10] The temple follows the traditions of the Thenkalai sect of Vaishnavite tradition and follows vaikanasa aagama. The temple has grand brahmotsavams (big festival) for Sri Parthasarathy swami during the Tamil month of Chittirai (April–May),on the same month Udayavar uthsavam is also celebrated.[10] In the month of Vaigasi, Sri Varadarajar uthsavam, Sri Nammalwar uthsavam (vaigasi-visagam) and Vasanthothsavam are celebrated.[10] Sri Azhagiyasingar (Lord Narashimha) during the Tamil month of Aani (June–July).[10] So uniquely two Bhrammotsavams are performed here annually. There are also festivals for Sri Ramanuja (April–May) and Sri Manavalamamunigal (Oct-Nov) besides festivals for Alwar and Acharyas.[10] Vaikunta Ekadesi and during the Tamil month of Margazhi (December–January) draws lot of pilgrims.[10]


These take place round the year in Parthasarathy temple. Urchavams (or utsavams), as these are termed, take place for a particular god at a particular period of ti[28] me in the year. It's a religious practise to carry the different gods of the temple through the mada veethis of triplicane during some of these festivals. The Gods will move in different religiously built temple vehicles (vaghanams, as these are termed in Tamil), like Elephant, Garuda, horse, Yaali (a mythical animal), temple rath (ther in Tamil, chariot or ratham, alternative terms), etc.
The following are the various festivals or urchavams or utsavams or utsav in Parthasarathy temple in different parts of the Tamil Calendar year.[19] During festival days the place is given a new look and accompanied by various traditional rites.
1. Chithirai (April–May): Shri Bhrahma Utsav (Brahmotsavam)- Lord Shri Bhrahma himself will perform this most important festival.[29][30] Seer Shri Udaiyar's Utsav and Vidaiyaatri (Concluding and Leave-Taking Ceremony).
2. Vaigasi (May–June): Vasanthoutsavam- Spring Festival Shri Gajendra Varadaraja Swamy Utsav Shri Ranganatha-Shri Vedavall Thayaar Utsav
3. Aani (June–July): Shri Narasimha Swami BhrahmoUtsavam and Kodai Utsav (Summer Festival)
4. Aadi (July–August): Shri Gajendra Motsham (Salvage for Gajendra-King of Elephants) Shri Parthasarathy .Jyeshtabishekam. Jyeshta-means Chief-in-Brethren: Abhishekam means pouring of selected Holy Liquid and Solid Items (like milk, honey, etc.) on the Lord Thiru Paavadai Utsav Anointing of Epicurean Offerings on the Holy Physique. Thiru Aadi Pooram - Birthday of Shrimadh Aandal on Iler Birth Zodiacical Star Shri Parthasarathy .Jyeshtabishekam.
5. Aavani (August–September): Pavithroutsavam (Thiru Pavithra Utsav) - Santification ceremony. Shri Jayanthi or Krishna Jayanthi (Birthday of Lord Krishna)
6. Puratasi (September–October): Navarathiri -Festival of nine lights Shri Vedavalli Thaayar Laksharachana
7. Iypassi (October–November): Shri Manavaala Mamunigal Utsavam Deepavali or Diwali - Festival of Lights Anna kooda utsavam- offering variety of rice
8. Karthigai (November–December): Thir karthigai Deepam - Various and Varied Lights Thaila Kaapu - anointing of several medicinal oils or his/her corporal
9. Margazhii (December–January): Maargazhii Pagal Pathu (Days-Ten) Shri Vaikunta Ekaadasi (Entering into Heaven) Raa Pathu (Night-Ten)
10. Thai (January–February): Laksharachana of Shri Parthasarathyswamy Rathasapthami (Ratha-Car, Sapthami- Seventh Lunar Occasion) Visiting Festival to Ekkatuthangal
11. Masi (February–March): Masi Magam (Magam-star day) Theppam or Thepotsavam (Float Festival in Temple Tank) Dhavana Utsav (Spring Festival)
12. Panguni (March–April): Panguni Uthram (uthram - a star day) Shri Rama Navami (Birthday of Lord Ram)
The most important among these festivals are the Vaikunda Ekadesi - as huge crowds from not only chennai, but also various parts of Tamil Nadu and India come to the temple on this day; Theppam or Thepotsavam - the colourful float festival, and the utsavam for the main deity lord Parthasarathy.

Theppam (Float) festival

Also known Teppothsavam (= Theppam + urchavam), this pictorial and colourful festival takes place on 7 days in the Tamil month of masi, 3 days for Lord Parthasarathy, one each for Sri Narasimhar, Sri Ranganathar, Sri Ramar and Sri Gajendra Varadhar. The seven-day event attracts a large number of devotees and onlookers from different parts of Chennai and Tamil Nadu.
A floating structure made up of drums, timber would be constructed and would be beautifully decorated with lights, flowers, religious paintings, silken buntings, etc. which serves as a visual delight. For better ambience, lights were also installed in the garden around the tank and additionally, focus lights were placed on the corners of the neerazhimandapam (the mandapam (structure) in the center of the temple tank). Perumal (God) would come to the temple tank in purappadu (departure) and be placed majestically inside the float. On all the days, the float completed five rounds around the neerazhimandapam. After this, the deities were taken in a procession around the four Mada Streets. Devotees in hundreds would converge and sit everywhere on the steps of the temple tank to have darshan of the Lord on theppam. The speciality of the third day function ‘Thirumanjanam' was performed to the deity inside the float. Other than the bhattachariars (temple priests), no one was allowed inside the float. A Rescue team of about 10 swimmers is usually provided by the Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services.[19][31][32]
This theppam festival exhibits one of the aspects of the richest cultural heritage aspects of triplicane, age old culture which one could not see anywhere else in chennai, other than mylapore or triplicane.


The temple had internal conflict during from 1750s till the end of the century between the two subsects of Vaishnavism, namely Thenkalai and Vadagalai.[33] The two sects were grounded over the right of reciting each of their own version of concluding verses in the temple.[33] A petition was received by the ruling British government to decide the religious dispute.[33] English records mention petition during the year 1754 filed by local inhabitants and merchants seeking to resolve the dispute.[33] They suggested that the Tenkalai Brahmins could recite their Srisailesadayaptram in the Parthasarathi shrine, while the Vadakalai Brahmins could recite their Ramanujadayapatram in the Telinga Singar shrine.[33] The council agreed that the suggestion in the petition be accepted and publicly announced.[33] There were further petitions in 1780 from the Tenkalai Brahmins that since the temple was built, recitals were made only in Srisailesadayaptram, which should continue.[33] It also asserted that the trustee Manali Muthukrishna Mudali favoured Vadakalai resulting in the issue.[33] While both the sects were claiming theirs should be the practice followed in the temple, the English administrators in India has deep rooted belief that old ways were the only solution to preserve tranquility.[33] The Tenkalai sect had the sanction of antiquity and custom resulting in Tenkalai gaining precedence.[33]
The bearers at the temple were traditionally fishermen of Triplicane.[34] During the temple festivities, they carry the festival idol in their sturdy shoulders in an atmosphere of wine and toddy shops.[34] They bargained for additional rights in the temple in 1928, which eventually ended their ties with the temple.[34]
Bharathiar, the legendary Tamil poet and independence activitist was struck by an elephant at the temple, whom he used to feed regularly.[35] Although he survived the incident, a few months later his health deteriorated and he died.[35]
