Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This sthalam is situated in Tirunelveli district near Azhwar Tirunagari. Two miles away from
Azhwar Tirunagari. No lodging facilities available. This sthalam is one of Nava Thirupathi.
Sthlapuranam :
One of the Brahmaputiran, who came out of Lord Brahma's ears - named Pulathiya Rishi and
Kasthamal's daughter Aavirpoo gave birth a child named Visiravasi. The child who born for this
Visiravasi and Ilipillai is Guberan.
Guberan did tapas agains Lord Shiva. When Shiva and Parvathi gave his seva to Guberan, since
he could not see the bright shine came out from Parasakthi, guberan lost his eyes. After this,
he replaced an eye made of gold and ruled Alagapuri and became one of the friends of Lord
Vaisyantham which is said as always move from one place to another in search of money and
other things and this kind of persons one called "Vaisyaas".
Guberan is said to be one of Vaisyaas and his wife is chitiregai and his Vaaganams (vehicles)
are Horse, Parrot. His weapon is Katkam and Garland is Seerakka Maalai. His park is
Saithiratham and the Vimaanam is Pushpaka Vimaanam. His son is Nalakooparan.
Once he got the Sapan from Parvathi Devi and lost all of his wealth (Navanidhi) and started
to worship this sthala perumal as his Emperumaan.
Emperumaan gave the Prathyaksham for Guberan in front of all of the Navanidhis (Different
Kinds of Wealth) and Protecting the Navanidhis of this sthalam. Because of this, he his named
as "Vaithamaanidhi". Also named as "Nishopavithan".
This sthalam is also called as "Adharma Pisunam". It means Dharman wars agians the Evil
(Adharmam) and it permanently stayed in this sthalam by riding out the adharmam.
Vaithamanidhi perumal stands still here in this sthalam to ride of the Adharmam to protect
the wealth which cannot be taken out.
This perumal has thirusangu in the left hand and in the right hand he has thiru Chakkaram
by which he destroy the Adharma. In this sthalam only, Madhurakavi alwar was born, Who then
because the seshya (student) ofNammalwar. Madhurakavi Alwar is said to be the Gnana Nidhi.
This sthala perumal gave prathyaksha for Guberan, who is the wealth, Madhurakavi Alwar, who
is the Gnana nidhi.
The Pushkarani is Gubera pushkarani and since he became the friend of Haran (Lord Shiva)
the Vimaanam is called "Sri Hara Vimaanam".
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this Sthalam is Sri Vaitha Maanitha Perumal. Also called
as "Nishopavitthan". Moolavar in Kidantha kolam in Bujanga sayanam
facing East direction.
Prathyaksham for Guberan and Madhurakavi Alwar.
Prathyaksham for Guberan and Madhurakavi Alwar.
Thaayar : Two thaayars - Amudhavalli and Koloorvalli and they have their own separate sannadhis.
- Nammalwar - 12 Pasurams
Total - 12
- Gubera pushkarani
Sri Hara Vimaanam.
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