Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This is one of the divyadesam which is found in Ramanadhapuram district, in Tamil Nadu. We
can reach this sthalam while travelling along Keezhakkarai. We can reach this sthalam by getting
down in Maanamadhurai railway station and take a bus to reach Thiruppullani. But there is
no plenty of lodging facilities available.
Sthlapuranam :
In Ramayana, Ravana, took away sita and captured her as a prisoner in Lanka. Sri Ramar,
on hearing the action performed by Ravana, had to take proper and immediate action to get out
Sitapiratti from Ravana. But, Ravana's brother Vibheeshanan who lived along with him doesnt liked the low act of
Ravana and advised him to return Sitapiratti to Sri Rama, else the whole Lanka might get into
On hearing the advise from Vibheeshanan, Ravana got angry on him and
asked him to get out of
Lanka and join along with Sri Rama. Vibheeshanan came out from Lanka and
fell down to the
divine feets of Sri Ramar and explained him that Sita Piratti is kept as
the prisoner in Lanka.
Since, Vibheeshanan finally fell down to the feet of Sri Ramar for
complete Saranagathi, this sthalam is also named as "Saranagathi"
Sri Ramar, stayed along with Sugreev, Hanuman, Vibeeshanan and other Vanara senais and
discussed with all of them that how to get out Sita piratti from Lanka. He stayed in this Pullani sthalam and did tapas
in Sayana Kolam on Dharbaipull (the grass) for sevan days without eating anything. Since
because of doing tapas on the grass and showed his sayana kolam in the pull (grass), this
sthalam is called "Thiruppullani". Pull means the grass and the Anai means the bed and since
Sri Ramar showed his sayana kolam in Pullani, this sthalam is called as "Pullani". Sri Ramar
worshipped the Aadhi Jagannatha perumal and prayed him to help him out to get Sita piratti.
As satisfied by the worship of Sri Ramar, Aadhi Jagannatha perumal gave him the Bow and
because of this, the perumal is also named as "Deivasilaiyar" and Divya Sapan.
This Thiruppullani is found near Sethu Karai (shore). Sri Ramar could not know how to cross
the huge ocean and got the advise from Vibheeshana that they can cross the ocean only if
all the water dries. He advised Sri Ramer that he can ask the Samudhara Raja to get dried
and can make them the way towards the Lanka. On getting the advise from Vibheeshana, Sri
Ramar seeked the help of the Samudhara Rajan. But he doesnt show any response for Sri Ramar.
Sri Ramar worshipped before the Samudhara Rajan to make the way, but since there was not
response from him, Sri Ramar got angry and threatened against samudhara Rajan that if he
doesnt make them the way, he would make the ocean dry completely. On hearing the threatened
words from Sri Ramar, Samudhara Raja was frightened and came out from the ocean along with
his wife Varuni and fell down on the feet of Sri Ramar as Saranagathi. Inspite of Vibheeshanan
got the saranagathi, samudhara Rajan and his wife Varuni also got the saranagathi and thereby
justifies that this Kshetram is given the name as "Saranagathi Kshetram".
After this, the Samudhara Rajan made the ocean to become quite and asked Sri Ramar to build
a bridge, so that they can travel through it to reach Lanka.
As advised by Varunan, Nalan and all the other Monkeys (Vanara Senai) started to build a
bridge and this bridge is called as "Sethu Anai", since this is constructed along the Sethu
Karai (Shore). And finally crossing through this bride to Lanka, Sri Ramar fought with
Ravana and killed him and got out Sita Piratti.
Kanva rishi, Who was Maha rishi stayed in this sthalam and did a strong tapas against the
perumal without having any food. On satisfied with the tapas of Kalvar Rishi, Emperumaan
gave his seva and asked for the Varam that he should be always along with him and continue
to help him. The perumal agreed his words and continued to help him.
Once there lived a rishi by named Devala Maharishi and did a strong tapas on the perumal.
He started his tapas after taking the bath and started the tapas. When he was doing the
tapas, seven deva Kanyas came down to this sthalam and wanted to take a bath in the small
river. They enjoyed that moment and all of them forgot themselves. Their enjoyment made
them to forget them to give the proper respect to Devalar Maharishi and on seeing this act
of the Sapta deva Kanyas, he gave them the sabham of all of them to become Yatchars (ordinary
humans with less minded). On getting the sabham, allthe 7 deva Kayas felt for it and realised
their mistake and asked Devalar Maharishi that how could they get out from the curse.
Devalar Maharishi asked them to get to Pullaranyam (Thriuppullani) and get the help from
pullar Maharishi, so that he can help them to get out of the Sabham.
All the sevan deva Kanyas reached Thiruppullani fell down to the feet of pullar Maharishi.
They all told him about the sabham got from Devalar Maharishi and he had advised all of them
to get the help of pullar Maharishi to get out of the curse. Pullar Maharishi advised all the
7 Kanyas to stay in Thiruppullani and worship the Aadhi Jagannatha perumal and he is the only
person who can make them to get out of the sabham. When Sri Ramar came to this pullaranya
kshetram, his eyes glanced on all the 7 deva kanyas and at that moment all of them were
out of the sabham and once again reached the deva lokam.
In this sthalam, Sri Ramar is found in Tapas Kolam in Dharbha Sayanam. Generally, the
Emperumaan is found on Aadhiseshan as the bed, but here in thsi sthalam, he is found on the
pullanai and Lakshmana, who is the hamsam of Aadhiseshan is found along with Sri Ramar and
helping him. The utsavar is kothanda Ramar and is seen along with Sita piratti, Lakshman
and Hanuman. On the south side of Artha mandapam, is seen a separate sculpture of Vibheeshanan.
A separate sannadhi for pattabbi Ramar is also found. Pattabisheka Ramar is the thriukkolam
of Sri Ramar while he was given the throne to take over Ayodhya as the king along with
Sita piratti, Lakshmana and Bharatha and Sathrukkanan. This sannadhi is found in front of
dharba sayana Rama sannadhi.
This is a separate sannadhi for Sandhana Gopalan, which is found on the north of Dharbha
sayana Ramar sannadhi, and the Mandapam is called as "Sandhana Gopala Mandapam". In this
sannadhi, Sri Krishnar is found as a small child on Aadhisesha. It is believed that on
worshipping this perumal can get the pragnancy.
The perumal is daily fed with Milk Paayasam as the "Naivedhyam" in the night. It is said
that all the pilgrimates travel towards Rameswaram, have to worship this Thiruppullani
Aadhi Jagannathan. On the west side of Moolavar sannadhi, there is a big Banyan tree is found
and beneath that is found a lots of Siva Lingam. It is said that people can get the
pregnancy by dedicating the Siva Lingam beneath the tree.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The moolavar of this sthalam is Sri Kalyana Jagannathan. He is found in Nindra thirukkolam facing
along the East direction. Prathyaksham for Ashwantha Narayanan, Pullaranya Rishi, and
Samuthira Rajan, Devalar Muni and Kanva Maharishi.
There are two thaayars found in this sthalam. Kalyana valli is one of the thaayar and another
one is Padmasini thaayar.
- Thirumangaialwar - 21 Paasurams.
Total - 21 Paasurams.
- Hema theertham.
- Chakkara theertham.
- Rathnakara samuthiram.
Sthala Viruksham: (Tree)
The sthala viruksham (tree) of this kshetram is Asrattham (Arasa) tree. A big tree is found on the west side of the Moolavar Sannadhi.
Vimanam:The sthala viruksham (tree) of this kshetram is Asrattham (Arasa) tree. A big tree is found on the west side of the Moolavar Sannadhi.
Kalyana Vimaanam.
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