Thiruputkuzhi - Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Temple, Tirupukuzhi
the Temple & Location:
Divyadesam is situated about 7 miles away from Kanchipuram in
west direction. 1/2 Kilometer away from Baluchetti Chattiram
which is in between Chennai - Vellore highways. By travelling
about 50 miles from Chennai, we can reach this sthalam. There
is no proper lodging facility.
Sriman Narayanan born to King Dasaratha as Sri Ramar, left all
of his properties and went to the forest as told by his
father. When they went to the forest, Seetha pirattiyaar asked
for the deer, which was actually not the deer, but it was
Maareeshan, sent by Ravana. Then, Ravana came to Seetha
piratti and took her along with him to Lanka, On the way to
Lanka, Jadayu, the Eagle bird stopped him and fought with
Ravana to release Seetha. But, in the end, Jadayu's wings were
cut by Ravana and fell down on the earth.
Rama along with Lakshmana came there in search of Seetha
Piratti, they found Jadayu fell down in the Land. Jadayu told
that Ravana has took away Seetha along with him and on finally
telling this, he died. Since, Lord Ramar gave the Sthanam
(level) to Jadayu as his father, he did all the final ceremony
to it and stayed there for a while.
sugessted by Jadayu, the Perumal here gives his seva in the
form in which he did the final funeral to Jadayu.
belongs to Pul (a separate family of eagle ) family was
burried in the pit (kuzhi) , this sthalam is called "Thiruppukkuzhi".
which is one of the Great epic, explains to the world about
caste interactions and human love to each other. It also seeds
the brotherhood culture into all the hearts of human society.
who is the hunter, Sukgreev, who is a Monkey man and
Vibeeshanan, who is the person belong to Arakka (Demon) family
were treated as his own brothers by Sri Ramar.
this same way, Sabari, who was a old lady, who offered him
with food and Agalikai, who became a stone because of Sabham,
came back as a women, when Sri Rama's feet was touched on that
stone. Both were given the place of his mother. The Primary
moral is that we can belong to any community (or) caste, but
to attain God's grace, out aathma should be pure and if it is
in that way, we can attain it.
Guhan, Sukgreev and Vibeeshan as his brother and Sabari and
Agalikai as his mother, Sri Ramar keeps Jadayu in his father's
stage and did all the final funeral. Since, he way away from
his father's and he could do the final ceremony to him, he
kept Jadayu in his fathers place and did all the final thing
to him.
is the bird which lives by eating dead bodies and the tissues.
By doing the final ceremony to that kind of bird, Sri Ramar's
great character of loving and helping does not stop only
towards human, but it is even extetnded to the animals is well
explained to the world.
this sthalam, the Moolavar is Vijaya Raghava perumal. He holds
Jadayu in his hands. Both the Naachiyaars, are found on both
the sides, but in opposite manner.
this temple, ladies who doesnt have children, gives the dhal,
(Paruppu) to Madapalli (place where the Lord's food is
prepared). After its given, the dhal is soaked inside water
and it is tied around their stomach and said to sleep. After
waking up from their sleep, if the seed buds, it is confirmed
that they will give birth to a child.
poojas are done on every Amavasai in a grand way.
Sri Ramanujar's Guru, Yadhava Pirakasar started to teach the
vedanthams to his followers here.
and Thaayar:
The Perumal of this sthalam is Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal. Moolavar in found in Sitting position facing East direction.
Prathyaksham for Jadaayu (Eagle).
She has her own temple.
Every year a grand festival is done for all the Perumals in this temple.
Every year a grand festival is done for all the Perumals in this temple.
There is a seperate sannadhi for Jadayu.
There is a seperate sannadhi for Jadayu.
Thiru Mangai Alwar - 2 Paasurams.
Total - 2 Paasurams.
and Manavala Maamuni has done lot of Mangalasasanam here.
Jadayu Pushkarani.
Near this theeratham, in Thai month Theppa utsavam is done in a very big manner and special poojas are done on every Amaavasai.
Vijaya Koti Vimanam.
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